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Setting the .well Standard

The ".well standard" is a numeric value capped at 21K, referencing the 21 million supply of Bitcoin. Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency, has a maximum supply of 21 million coins. This limit ensures scarcity and acts as a safeguard against inflation.

Furthermore, the .well standard will be established as a protocol to facilitate interactions with Bitwell, a platform dedicated to Bitcoin-related services. The .well standard will serve as a framework for implementing updates and improvements to the Bitwell platform.

To get a .well name you must inscribe a text file on unisat.io

Make sure to search .well and put a number before the .well to inscribe EX. 1.well ✅ 012.well ❌ ( Supply is till 21000.well is inscribed ) *First come first serve*

By adhering to the .well standard, developers and users will be able to seamlessly interact with Bitwell and leverage its features. The standardization of protocols ensures compatibility, enhances security, and fosters innovation within the Bitcoin ecosystem. .well is now available as a DOMAIN SUFFIX IN ID CLUB AVAILABLE TO TRADE HERE: https://idclub.io/market/domain/well Make sure you are inscribing numbers up to 21000.well are valid! Once you have inscribed you .well TXT INSCRIPTION with a valid number that no one has you are able to see in a few minutes be in Indexed in ID CLUB!!!!! FOLLOW @URUALABS for THE CURRENT UPDATES !!!!

Last updated